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Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Believe it or not, there is someone who loves your children more than you.  His name is Jesus Christ.  Not only did He gather the children around Himself when others tried to send them away, He told the adults that we must become like little children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. We want to invest in your children and you to make disciples who make disciples.  We want to do more than watch your children, we want to disciple them to make disciples.  We have ministry to preschoolers available for all services on Sunday and some Belong Groups during the week.  Our security team prints out a sticker for you and your child each visit as well as notes for any potential allergies.  Preschoolers can be checked in at the entry to the auditorium or next door in our preschool building.  Simply present your sticker at the end of the service as your little ones debate on whether to stay for more fun learning experiences or head home with you!

Sunday Mornings

9 AM & 10:30 AM

Every Sunday, on campus or online.

Throughout the week

Check out our Belong Groups offered throughout the week for children's ministry opportunities.  Some Belong Groups meet on campus and others meet in homes, coffee shops, and restaurants.

Contact Us

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