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2024 VBS Was a BLAST!
Check out the video recap!

Wednesday Night
Children's Ministry

The children will learn more about Jesus, the Bible, and what it means to love while having tons of fun through activities to learn as well!
Wednesday's at 6:45-8pm during the adult study

Sunday Service for Children

*Gospel Project Show Kids the Big Picture of God's Story*
It immerses kids and preschoolers in the gospel through every story, theological concept, and call to mission from Genesis to Revelation. Kids and preschoolers will understand the Bible is not just a collection of stories, but one unified story—God’s story of redemption.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Children are not just the church of tomorrow-they are the church of today! As much as you love your children, Jesus loves them even more than you; and more than you can possibly imagine! While adults in the Bible narratives tried to send the kiddos away, Jesus wanted to spend time with them and even let them become an example in many ways for us "big kids."  Similar to the preschool ministry, we do not want to just watch your children, we want to disciple them so they can also go and make disciples.  We want to come alongside you as the greatest human influence in their life to help carry out the command of Jesus to make disciples.  It all starts with the family.  

On Sundays You can check your elementary aged children in the entry to the auditorium. Security will give you and them a sticker along with a note for any allergies.  We encourage elementary aged children to worship through song along with their family during the music portion of the service. When the pastor begins to preach, our children’s ministry and security team will escort them next door to the preschool building for a great lesson on their level.  They may even get to play and roll around on the clean AstroTurf playground! Simply present your sticker to security after the service and watch your child debate on staying a little longer to continue their fun learning experience. 

Sunday Mornings

9:00 & 10:45

Ministry to children is available during the Sunday worship service.  We have ministry and care for newborns and crawlers, preschoolers, and elementary aged children.

Throughout the week

Check out our Belong Groups offered throughout the week for children's ministry opportunities.  Some Belong Groups meet on campus and others meet in homes, coffee shops, and restaurants. 

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