A Message From Pastor Carl about the decision to continue with two service.
Church Family and Friends-
I had no idea I would be sending this note last week. We believe the Lord is at work in this local family at Wiregrass Church. When we planned to have two services for Easter we knew we would learn a lot on what the dynamics of two services look like for the future if/when we went to two services. We joked with a few people early on Easter morning what do we do if the attendance and response was more than we expected. Then it happened.
When I met with pastors, deacons, staff, and other partners over the last couple of days, I wasn’t sure if there would be unity on the response from last Sunday. Then there was unity.
We know Easter is typically a higher attendance than other gatherings throughout the year but the response was so much that we couldn’t ignore the attendance and decisions in both services and the response of many people after the services, including people who are new to this church family. I am always trying to be careful not to expand or try to grow in a way that is about me or us but what the Lord shows so we can simply respond to Him and join in with Him. After prayer and many conversations, we are going to trust the Lord and continue getting the Gospel out to more people through two services continuing this Sunday at 9 AM & 10:45 AM.
Easter Sunday 2024 was a big day in the life of Wiregrass Church. More people stepped up to serve for one service and worship the other service than ever before. More people attended the two services than ever before on a Sunday morning. The attendance increased by well over 100 people over any high attendance we ever had in any past Sunday service. Many people continued to make decisions and they want to obey in their next step of following Jesus.
As servants of Jesus we are learning we must obey Him and most of the time that next step of obedience isn’t comfortable, but it is powerful and an amazing journey. Jesus shows us where He is at work then we come to a crossroads to decide if we are going to join Him in His work or go on with business as usual. We don’t want to go on with business as usual. We want to follow our Master. We want to reach more souls for Jesus, whatever their age or background or season of life. Like many others who have already committed, will you be willing to serve one hour and worship the other hour on Sunday mornings? If you are married and your spouse attends, will you talk with your spouse to try to serve the same hour and attend worship together for the other hour? There are so many places to serve and so many needs. If you do, we will come together to appreciate the satisfaction of being a part of something bigger than the sum any one of us individually.
If you are a part of this church family, please reach out to Aaron or Lindsay or Carlene about serving one hour on Sunday mornings. We especially need more vetted ladies to come alongside our faithful children’s ministry team to help in different ways. You don’t have to be a teacher, just a heart to serve as a follower of Jesus. Please contact Carlene, our Children’s Ministry Director, or Aaron Hall, our administrator, or Lindsay, our ministry and administrative assistant, to share your availability to serve:
While we need more servants in children’s ministry, parking lot ministry, greeting, hospitality, technology, music, prayer room, discipleship, and several other ministries, we know the Lord will stir your heart as He sees fit. Exodus 34-36 tells about a time when the nation of Israel was in a right relationship with the Lord and He stirred hearts to serve and bring the needed resources for His temple. The response was so much that it says in Exodus 36:5-7 there are too many people serving and too many people giving! We definitely aren’t at that point but we know God is stirring hearts and using each one of us as members of the body of Christ to reach and multiply His Kingdom of people.
Please attend the gathering this evening. We will begin the Wednesday evening Bible study with updates, communication, and prayer on this next step tonight at 6:45 as we study God’s Word. I look forward to seeing you this evening at 6:15 for food and 6:45 for discipleship with adults, students, and children.
I dearly love you and I thank the Lord He allows me to serve alongside you in this church family. Invite those souls the Lord has placed in your path this Sunday.
Ephesians 3:20-21
-Pastor Carl
Church Family and Friends-
I had no idea I would be sending this note last week. We believe the Lord is at work in this local family at Wiregrass Church. When we planned to have two services for Easter we knew we would learn a lot on what the dynamics of two services look like for the future if/when we went to two services. We joked with a few people early on Easter morning what do we do if the attendance and response was more than we expected. Then it happened.
When I met with pastors, deacons, staff, and other partners over the last couple of days, I wasn’t sure if there would be unity on the response from last Sunday. Then there was unity.
We know Easter is typically a higher attendance than other gatherings throughout the year but the response was so much that we couldn’t ignore the attendance and decisions in both services and the response of many people after the services, including people who are new to this church family. I am always trying to be careful not to expand or try to grow in a way that is about me or us but what the Lord shows so we can simply respond to Him and join in with Him. After prayer and many conversations, we are going to trust the Lord and continue getting the Gospel out to more people through two services continuing this Sunday at 9 AM & 10:45 AM.
Easter Sunday 2024 was a big day in the life of Wiregrass Church. More people stepped up to serve for one service and worship the other service than ever before. More people attended the two services than ever before on a Sunday morning. The attendance increased by well over 100 people over any high attendance we ever had in any past Sunday service. Many people continued to make decisions and they want to obey in their next step of following Jesus.
As servants of Jesus we are learning we must obey Him and most of the time that next step of obedience isn’t comfortable, but it is powerful and an amazing journey. Jesus shows us where He is at work then we come to a crossroads to decide if we are going to join Him in His work or go on with business as usual. We don’t want to go on with business as usual. We want to follow our Master. We want to reach more souls for Jesus, whatever their age or background or season of life. Like many others who have already committed, will you be willing to serve one hour and worship the other hour on Sunday mornings? If you are married and your spouse attends, will you talk with your spouse to try to serve the same hour and attend worship together for the other hour? There are so many places to serve and so many needs. If you do, we will come together to appreciate the satisfaction of being a part of something bigger than the sum any one of us individually.
If you are a part of this church family, please reach out to Aaron or Lindsay or Carlene about serving one hour on Sunday mornings. We especially need more vetted ladies to come alongside our faithful children’s ministry team to help in different ways. You don’t have to be a teacher, just a heart to serve as a follower of Jesus. Please contact Carlene, our Children’s Ministry Director, or Aaron Hall, our administrator, or Lindsay, our ministry and administrative assistant, to share your availability to serve:
While we need more servants in children’s ministry, parking lot ministry, greeting, hospitality, technology, music, prayer room, discipleship, and several other ministries, we know the Lord will stir your heart as He sees fit. Exodus 34-36 tells about a time when the nation of Israel was in a right relationship with the Lord and He stirred hearts to serve and bring the needed resources for His temple. The response was so much that it says in Exodus 36:5-7 there are too many people serving and too many people giving! We definitely aren’t at that point but we know God is stirring hearts and using each one of us as members of the body of Christ to reach and multiply His Kingdom of people.
Please attend the gathering this evening. We will begin the Wednesday evening Bible study with updates, communication, and prayer on this next step tonight at 6:45 as we study God’s Word. I look forward to seeing you this evening at 6:15 for food and 6:45 for discipleship with adults, students, and children.
I dearly love you and I thank the Lord He allows me to serve alongside you in this church family. Invite those souls the Lord has placed in your path this Sunday.
Ephesians 3:20-21
-Pastor Carl